Can Smart City Construction Promote the Level of Public Services? Quantitative Evidence From China
智 慧 城 市 建 设 能 提 升 公 共 服 务 水 平 吗 ?
来 自 中 国 的 量 化 证 据
The research objective of this article is to analyze quantitatively the relationship between smart city construction and the level of public services by constructing panel data. It also aims to explore the mechanisms through which smart city construction affects the level of public services.
According to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sustainable development in various aspects such as society, environment, and economy has gradually become a key issue in government governance. However, the improvement of the quality of public services remains one of its theoretical assumptions. In this context, the following questions may arise: Is the smart city a new direction for urban development that is conducive to livability and sustainable development? How does it affect the level of public service in China? However, until recently, these questions have not been widely discussed in the literature in the field of urban studies; there are controversies and shortcomings in the quantitative analysis of the impact of smart cities on the level of public services.
The technical field studied in this article is the construction of smart cities. Smart city construction combines digital technology with urban governance to enhance the level of public services through the impact of informatization, technological innovation, and economic benefits. Smart city construction involves multiple areas, including informatization, technological innovation, and economic growth. In terms of informatization, smart city construction achieves comprehensive coverage of high-speed broadband wireless communication through the establishment of Internet of Things sensing systems and the development of next-generation network technologies such as 5G and NB-IoT. In terms of technological innovation, smart city construction relies on the effects of technological innovation to enhance the level of public services, including intelligent transformation, the establishment of smart application systems, and the deep integration of smart city models with internal subsystems of cities. In terms of economic benefits, smart city construction promotes economic development, drives the incubation of new pillar industries and innovation industries based on knowledge and information, and promotes urban economic development. Overall, smart city construction is a comprehensive research field involving multiple technical areas.
The technologies related to the proposed improvement plan include Internet of Things (IoT) technology, 5G network technology, NB-IoT technology, information technology, and communication technology, among others. These technologies play a crucial role in the construction of smart cities and can enhance the level of public services. IoT technology enables the perception and data collection of urban components, providing real-time feedback and control for urban management. 5G network technology and NB-IoT technology enable comprehensive coverage of high-speed broadband wireless communication, supporting various application scenarios in smart cities. Information technology and communication technology serve as the foundation for smart city construction, promoting the development of smart cities through the establishment of smart application systems and the optimization of technological innovation environments.
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1.Interoperability limitations: Smart cities require a large number of sensors and devices for data collection and connectivity. However, different vendors may use different communication standards and protocols, resulting in restricted interoperability and difficulties in exchanging and sharing information smoothly.
- 互联性限制:智慧城市需要大量的传感器和设备进行数据收集和互联,然而不同供应商的设备可能使用不同的通信标准和协议,导致互联性受限,信息无法流畅地交换和共享。
- Data security and privacy:Smart cities involve a significant amount of personal and sensitive information, including location data and consumer habits of residents. Ensuring the security and privacy protection of this data is a critical challenge, and current technologies need further enhancement in safeguarding data security.
- 数据安全和隐私:智慧城市涉及大量的个人数据和敏感信息,包括居民的位置数据、消费习惯等。确保这些数据的安全性和隐私保护是一个重要的挑战,目前的技术对于数据安全的保障还有待加强。
- Infrastructure upgrades:The construction of smart cities requires advanced infrastructure support, such as high-speed broadband networks and IoT base stations. However, existing infrastructure may not meet these demands, requiring extensive updates and upgrades, which can be costly and time-consuming.
- 基础设施更新:智慧城市建设需要先进的基础设施支持,例如高速宽带网络、物联网基站等。然而,旧有的基础设施可能无法满足这些需求,需要进行大量的更新和升级,这需要耗费大量的资金和时间。
- Technology integration issues:The development of smart cities necessitates the integration of various technologies, including IoT, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. Coordinating the collaboration and seamless integration among different technologies poses certain difficulties that need to be addressed, such as establishing technical standards and data sharing mechanisms.
- 技术整合问题:智慧城市建设需要将各种不同的技术整合在一起,包括物联网、云计算、人工智能等。不同技术之间的协同工作和无缝集成面临一定的困难,需要解决技术标准、数据共享等方面的问题。
- User acceptance and engagement:The success of smart city initiatives relies on widespread participation and support from residents. However, not everyone is willing to accept and utilize smart city services. Some individuals may be unfamiliar with the use of technology or have concerns about privacy, leading to challenges in implementing and promoting smart city projects.
- 用户接受度和参与度:智慧城市建设需要居民的广泛参与和支持,然而并不是所有人都愿意接受和利用智慧城市的服务。一些人可能对技术的使用不熟悉或者担心隐私问题,导致智慧城市项目的实施和推广困难。
this paper conceptually and empirically examines the extent to which smart city construction has changed PSL.To overcome the core dificulties in the evaluation of the construction effect of smart cities and to achieve the scientiic eval- uation of the construction effect of smart cities on PSL, this study irst analyzed and demonstrated the mechanism of the role of smart city construction on the improvement of PSL from the theoretical point of view. Then, we present hypotheses and models. Furthermore, we test these conjec- tures using a panel data set of 212 prefecture-level cities in China for the period 2006 to 2018.We estimate difference- in-differences(DID) regressions to control for unobserved heterogeneity that affects smart city selection and PSL. We also discuss selection concerns, validating the identifying assumption that the trends are parallel for the smart city pilots’group and the control group which consist of cities absent the smart city initiative. First, advancing the literature on the importance of smart city for different goals of sustainable urban development, we explore an equally vital outcome, namely urban public service. In doing so, we focus our attention on the multi-dimensionality of inluential mechanisms instead of treating it as separate.Second, we complement recent indings on public service of smart city initiatives from the perspective of informational, technological, and economic.Within the smart city paradigm, PSL are expected to be improved, mainly through the comprehensive allocation of informa- tion, technology, economy and other resources.Finally, from an empirical standpoint, we pay special attention to a less-researched context (i.e. China) that provides a promising ground for examining the public service improvement effects of smart city initiatives at work in less-developed and emerging economies.
Question: Explore the impact of smart city development on the level of public services.
Improvement point: It is recommended to improve the level of public services through transforming the urban governance model. This includes establishing a systematic mechanism for technological innovation and transforming the urban governance model to further enhance the effectiveness of smart city development in public service delivery.
Technical solution:
1.Introducing smart technologies: By incorporating technologies such as the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, and big data, we can enhance the level of informatization, digitization, and intelligence in cities, thereby improving the quality and efficiency of public services.
2.Establishing smart application systems: By establishing smart application systems that integrate communication and collaborative operations, we can comprehensively perceive and control urban operations, promptly respond to external changes and citizen demands, and thereby improve the efficiency of government and urban governance.
3.Emphasizing scientific research and technological innovation: We should strengthen urban scientific research and technological innovation to elevate the level of technological innovation. By enhancing technology research and development, application testing, and evaluation, promoting collaboration between enterprises, universities, and research institutions, we can optimize the environment for smart city technological innovation.
4.Promoting economic development: Smart city construction improves the level of public services through economic effects. By fostering new pillar industries and innovative industries based on knowledge and information through the development of smart technologies, we can drive urban economic development.
The implementation steps of the research methodology in this article are as follows:
1.Constructing panel data: The study utilizes panel data from 212 Chinese prefecture-level cities from 2006 to 2018 to analyze the impact of smart city construction on the level of public services.
2.Difference-in-Differences (DID) model: The DID model is used to evaluate the impact of smart city construction on the level of public services. By comparing the differences between the treatment group (cities implementing smart city construction) and the control group (cities not implementing smart city construction), the policy effect of smart city construction can be assessed.
3.Baseline regression analysis: Conducting baseline regression analysis to validate the impact of smart city construction on the level of public services. By establishing regression models, the analysis assesses the effects of smart city construction on the quality of education and healthcare services, as well as the level of social life security.
4.Robustness testing: Conducting robustness testing to validate the reliability and robustness of the research findings. This involves performing various robustness tests on the model, such as Winsorization and mechanism analysis, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the research results.
5.Mechanism analysis: Conducting mechanism analysis to explore the impact mechanism of smart city construction on the level of public services. This involves constructing a mediation effect model to analyze how smart city construction affects the level of public services through information effects, technological effects, and economic effects.
By following the above steps, this study aims to validate the impact of smart city construction on the level of public services and provide quantitative evidence to support the research findings.
1.The study utilizes panel data and the difference-in-differences model: The research employs panel data covering 212 prefecture-level cities in China from 2006 to 2018 and utilizes the difference-in-differences model for analysis. This approach allows for a more accurate assessment of the impact of smart city development on the level of public services.
2.Multiple indicators are used to assess the level of public services: The study utilizes indicators such as the quality of education and healthcare services, as well as the level of social life security, to evaluate the level of public services. This approach allows for a comprehensive understanding of the impact of smart city development on different areas of public services.
3.The study employed the PSM-DID (Propensity Score Matching with Difference-in-Differences) method to address the issue of sample self-selection bias. By matching samples from the experimental group and the control group, it ensured comparability between the two groups, thereby enhancing the reliability and robustness of the research results.
4.The study conducted a parallel trends test:validating whether the public service levels in the experimental and control groups were similar before the implementation of smart city policies. This ensured the effectiveness of the DID (Difference-in-Differences) model, enhancing the credibility of the research findings.
5.Mechanism analysis was conducted: The study also analyzed the transmission mechanisms of smart city development on public services, including information effects, technological effects, and economic effects. This allows for a deeper understanding of the impact mechanisms of smart city development on the level of public services.
6.Robustness testing was conducted: The study performed robustness testing on the results to ensure their reliability and stability.
1.Research perspective Innovation: From the perspective of smart city construction, this paper discusses its impact on the level of public service, which is a new research perspective. In the past theoretical and practical research, smart city and the improvement of public service level are often discussed separately, and this paper combines the two to provide a new research perspective.
2.Research method innovation: This paper adopts a quantitative research method by constructing panel data and conducting empirical analysis using the difference-difference (DID) model, which is novel in studying the relationship between smart cities and public services. By using quantitative methods, the paper was able to more accurately measure the impact of smart cities on public service levels.
3.Research content innovation: The paper not only explores the overall impact of smart cities on the level of public services, but also further studies the impact of smart cities on specific public services such as education and health care. In addition, the paper further discusses the mechanism of smart cities affecting the level of public services, and these research contents are innovative.
4.Policy proposal innovation: This paper not only studies the impact of smart cities on public services, but also puts forward policy recommendations on how to further improve the level of public services through smart city construction. These suggestions include transforming the urban governance model and establishing a systematic technological innovation mechanism, which has important guiding significance for improving the level of public services.
1.Public Service Level(PSL):It refers to the quality and efficiency of the government in providing public services, including public education, medical and health care, social security, employment services, infrastructure construction and other fields.
2.Difference-in-Difference(DID):It is a commonly used research design in econometrics to evaluate the effects of policies or projects. It estimates the impact of a policy or project by comparing the differences between two (or more) sets of data before and after the implementation of a specific policy or project. This method can control for factors that are not easily observed, allowing for more accurate estimates of policy effects or project effects.
3.Education and Medical Services(EAM):It refers to organizations and institutions that provide educational and medical services. These organizations and institutions usually include schools, universities, medical institutions, clinics, pharmacies, etc. They are committed to meeting people’s needs in education and healthcare, and providing professional education and medical services.
4.Social Life Security(SLS):It refers to the comprehensive reflection of the level of social security provided by a country or region in a certain period of time to ensure the basic living needs of citizens. It involves various aspects such as social welfare, social insurance, and social assistance, aiming to ensure the basic living needs of citizens and promote social equity and stability.
5.Smart City:It is a new concept of urban development, aiming to promote the intelligentization of urban planning, construction, management and service through the comprehensive application of new generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, cloud computing, big data, spatial planning, etc., enhance urban governance capacity and public service level, improve residents’ quality of life, and achieve sustainable urban development.
6.Informatization:It refers to the process of developing, utilizing, and managing information resources through modern information technology, such as computers, networks, and communications, in order to improve social productivity and people’s living standards. Informatization involves multiple fields, such as industry, agriculture, and service industries, and aims to achieve comprehensive development of informatization, intelligence, and modernization.
7.Technological Innovation:It refers to the process of applying new knowledge and technology, adopting new production methods and management models, developing new products or services, improving product quality, and realizing new market value. It includes product innovation, process innovation, organizational innovation, and market innovation.
8.Economic Growth:It usually refers to the increase in the total output value of a country or region over a certain period of time, and is an important indicator to measure the economic strength and development level of a country or region.
9.Information and Communications Technology(ICT):It refers to the use of information technologies such as computers, networks, and telecommunications to collect, process, transmit, store, and utilize information to support the needs of various industries and organizations.
10.Propensity Score Matching(PSM):It is a method of analyzing treatment effects by matching individuals in treatment and control groups to eliminate the impact of individual characteristics on the estimation of treatment effects.
11.Principal Component Analysis(PCA): It is a widely used data analysis method for dimensionality reduction, data visualization, data compression, and noise filtering. It transforms a set of potentially correlated variables into a set of linearly uncorrelated variables through an orthogonal transformation, and these uncorrelated variables are referred to as principal components.
12.Gross Domestic Product(GDP):It refers to the final results of production activities of all resident units of a country (or region) in a certain period of time calculated according to market prices, and is often recognized as the best indicator of national economic conditions. GDP reflects the economic strength and market size of a country (or region), is the core indicator of national economic accounting, is an important data to measure the economic status and development level of a country or region, and has the form of value, income and product form.
13.Narrow Band Internet of Things:Is a narrowband Internet of Things technology, based on cellular network construction, suitable for smart home, smart wear, industrial Internet of things, agricultural Internet of things and other fields. It has the advantages of low power consumption, wide coverage, low cost, and large connection, which can greatly reduce equipment and network maintenance costs, provide more stable signal coverage, and support more device connections.
Among the existing technologies, the technology scheme that is closest to this study is mainly based on the empirical analysis of Difference-in-Differences (DID) to explore the impact of smart city construction on the supply level of basic public services.
Differential method is an econometric method commonly used in policy evaluation to estimate the impact of policy implementation on target groups by controlling for other interfering factors. In the study “Can Smart City Construction Improve the Supply of Basic Public Services? – An Empirical Analysis based on the Differential Method”, the first batch of smart city pilots is regarded as a quasi-natural experiment, based on the panel data of 173 prefecture-level cities from 2008 to 2019, using the differential model for empirical analysis.
The main steps of the study include:
- Data cleaning and preprocessing: Collect and collate the panel data of 173 prefecture-level cities from 2008 to 2019, including information on the supply level of basic public services, smart city construction and population size.
- Propensity score Matching (PSM) : In order to solve the potential selectivity bias problem, propensity score matching method is used to select matching samples for the experimental group and the control group according to the similarity between smart cities and non-smart cities.
- Differential model: On the basis of matching samples, a differential model is constructed to compare the difference in the supply level of basic public services between the pilot cities and the control group with the implementation of smart cities in 2012 as the time point.
- Heterogeneity analysis: Further explore the heterogeneity impact of smart city construction on the supply level of basic public services, especially for cities with large populations.
- Robustness test: The robustness of the research results is tested by changing the time window and adding control variables.
The purpose of this technical scheme is to empirically analyze the impact of smart city construction on the supply level of basic public services, and provide a reference for government departments to formulate a more complete smart city construction plan.
FIGURE 1. Theoretical framework.
图1. 理论框架
FIGURE 2. Study area.
文字说明:图二表示了本文使用地级市的数据,最终样本范围为中国2006 年至2018年的212个地级市。数据来源包括中国城市统计年鉴、国家统计局网站以及每个城市的统计年鉴和政府工作报告。少量缺失数据通过线性插值进行了补充。
TABLE 1. Descriptive statistics.
TABLE 2. Baseline regression results.
文字说明:在表 2 中,模型(1)和模型(2)是没有添加控制变量的模型,模型(3)和模型(4)则添加了回归的控制变量,上述四个模型分别是智慧城市建设对EAM和 SLS 两个领域的公共服务水平的影响。所有的估计结果都表明,无论是否添加控制变量,智慧城市建设在 1%的显著水平下对公共服务水平有统计上显著的正向影响,表明智慧城市建设改善了公共服务水平。其中,智慧城市建设显著提高了 EAM 约 5.18%,SLS 约 4.04%.这也为 H1 提供了初步的实证证据。至于控制变量:GDP、Fin、Pop 和 Res 都对EAM 有显著正向影响,FA 对 EAM 有显著负面影响。GDP、Pop 和 Res 都对 SLS有显著正向影响,FA 对 SLS 有显著负面影响,而 Fin 不显著。不论是 EAM 还是 SLS,总体来说,它们都受GDP、Pop 和 Res 的正面影响。***、**和*分别表示在1%、5%和10%显著性水平下的拒绝。每个模型都使用聚类标准误差来缓解异方差问题。
FIGURE 3. The parallel trend tests of EAM.
图 3. EAM 的平行趋势检验
FIGURE 4. The parallel trend tests of SLS.
图 4. SLS 的平行趋势检验
FIGURE 5. Placebo test coefficients-EAM.
图 5. 安慰剂实验系数—EAM
文字说明:图5显示通过计算机模拟随机生成了一组智慧城市的城市列表,这生成了一个不正确的估计:。为了提高安慰剂实验的可识别性,这个过程被重复了 1000 次,从而生成了1000 个相应的随机估计。图 5描述了随机分布的概率密度分布函数。可以看到服从正态分布。
FIGURE 6. Placebo test coefficients-SLS.
图 6. 安慰剂实验系数—SLS
文字说明:图6显示通过计算机模拟随机生成了一组智慧城市的城市列表,这生成了一个不正确的估计:。为了提高安慰剂实验的可识别性,这个过程被重复了 1000 次,从而生成了1000 个相应的随机估计。图 6描述了估计系数的概率密度分布函数。可以看到服从正态分布。
TABLE 3. Balance test.
文字说明:表 3 中的平衡性检验结果显示,匹配后实验组和对照组之间的差异显著降低,匹配后标准差的绝对值低于 20% [32],匹配后每个变量的 p 值显著大于0.1,意味着无法拒绝实验组和对照组之间没有系统性差异的原假设,样本模型符合平衡性检验的要求。
TABLE 4. PSM-DID model estimation results.
文字说明:基于 PSM 重新筛选和重新分组样本,进行了智慧城市试点政策效应的二次检验。表 4 中的模型(5)和模型(6)报告了EAM 和 SLS 的不包括控制变量的 PSM-DID 模型的估计结果,而模型(7)和模型(8)则为回归添加了控制变量,可以发现试点政策的系数仍然显著为正,匹配后估计的结果与 DID 方法估计的结果一致。换句话说,考虑了样本选择偏差问题后,本文的 H1 仍然成立,这进一步表明本文的实证结果是稳健和可靠的。***、**和*分别表示在1%、5%和10%显著性水平下的拒绝。
TABLE 5. Winsorize.
文字说明:表5显示由于变量存在极端值可能会影响模型估计的准确性,为了更真实地描述智慧城市与公共服务水平(PSL)之间的关系,本文对所有连续变量进行双边的 1%、 2%和 3%紧缩处理,然后重新进行回归分析。结果表明,在表 5 中,Smart it 的回归系数仍然显著为正。综上所述,通过上述稳健性测试,H1 得到了充分验证,表明智慧城市试点政策确实能够促进公共服务水平的提高。***、**和*分别表示在1%、5%和10%显著性水平下的拒绝。
TABLE 6. Mechanism test-information effect.
TABLE 7. Mechanism test-technology effect
TABLE 8. Mechanism test-economic effect.
Can Smart City Construction Promote the Level of Public Services Quantitative Evidence From China